Month: July 2022

Tips for Taking Effective Photographs after an Accident to Support Your Claim

Tips for Taking Effective Photographs after an Accident to Support Your Claim

Car accidents can be devastating. To protect yourself and your rights, you must be proactive at the scene of the crime and capture everything well. Without adequate evidence, the fault and liability will be determined by the insurance companies who weren’t present at the spot of the accident. And you must not let this responsibility fall into the wrong hands.

Today, we will look at the most crucial tips for taking effective photographs of the accident scene. Once you get the right evidence, you can contact personal injury lawyers at Naqvi Injury Law to help you get the rightful compensation for your wounds and damages. These lawyers are highly experienced and will help you effectively evaluate your claim, and even defend your case if it goes to trial.

Why Photos Are Crucial in a Car Accident Claim?

Photographs of the accident site are a vital factor in determining the fault and in charging the liable party. After an accident, you will be called by the insurance company of the opposing party. If you have effective photos of the accident, you will enable the insurance company to piece the various events of the accident together and easily demonstrate who was at fault.

Additionally, the photos will enable your lawyer to defend your case and obtain the right compensation amount for your damages, medical bills, and other personal loss. The photos are also helpful for remembering all the minute details of the accident in case it goes to trial. On the contrary, if you are not prepared with effective photos of the accident, it may severely cost your case.

How to Take Effective Photos after a Car Accident

The most important thing to take care of while taking photos of the accident site is details. You need sufficient details to show what happened at the site. And this means taking photographs from all possible angles and distances. Also, apart from the vehicle, make sure to carefully document the road conditions, weather, and any other factor that may have caused the accident.

To sum it up, your photos must include the following:

20 car crash tips and things you should know after an accident   PropertyCasualty360

  • The exact location of the car accident
  • Damages to all the vehicles involved
  • License plates of all the vehicles involved
  • Any debris remaining on the road from the accident
  • The skid marks on the roads from different distances
  • Road signs or traffic lights
  • Any injuries sustained from the accident

This will provide sufficient evidence to clearly show what happened before and after the accident.

Hire an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney

Having proper and effective photos as evidence will help to determine fault, however, it won’t necessarily protect your claim if it goes to court. Also, dealing and negotiating with insurance companies is not easy. Even if your case seems pretty obvious, the opposing party’s insurance company will go to all lengths to manipulate the facts and cut down on the reimbursement amount as much as possible.

So, it is important to have an experienced attorney by your side. They will act with your best interests in mind and negotiate on your behalf to ensure you get what you truly deserve.

What Is The Eligibility Criteria For Taking A Loan Against An Endowment Policy?

What Is The Eligibility Criteria For Taking A Loan Against An Endowment Policy?

Insurance plans are a hard-to-miss investment in today’s day and age. While you might be diversifying your investments using a well-crafted financial plan, a life insurance policy helps to provide security to your financial dependents in your absence.

There are a plethora of policies that you can choose from. But if you want savings along with protection for your life, an endowment policy is a suitable choice.

What Is An Endowment Policy?

An endowment plan is a life insurance policy where the insurer offers dual benefits of savings and protection in one plan. This life insurance plan aids in not just providing protection for your life, but also accumulating savings that can be used to meet long-term financial goals.

Further, an endowment cover also provides survival benefits where the insurer pays an assured sum if the policyholder outlives the policy tenure. This lumpsum payment at the end of the policy tenure can be used to fund your child’s education, buy a house or simply serve as a part of your retirement corpus.

Loan Against Endowment Plans – Meaning

While endowment plans provide financial protection for your dependents, they also have a special feature wherein in times of financial crunch, it can be used to raise funds. This is possible by way of obtaining a loan against your endowment policy.

Loan against a policy is not an exclusive feature of an endowment plan, but all life insurance plans that have an underlying value. So, a term insurance plan that focuses on providing pure life insurance cover cannot be used to avail any loan. Traditional plans like the money-back plan or an endowment plan have a guaranteed return on investment, and hence, are eligible to avail a loan. However, ULIPs which do have an underlying value are barred from giving loans against the rules of the regulator, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI).

Eligibility For Loan Against Endowment Plans

When it comes to seeking emergency cash advance by way of loan against your life insurance plan, there are certain rules. For instance, a loan cannot be availed immediately once you have bought the insurance plan. Instead, such a loan can be extended only when the policy has acquired any surrender value. This generally happens within two or three years since the policy has been purchased. For instance, the tenure of an endowment plan is 10 years, then the policy acquires any surrender value at the end of three years.

Interest-free loan linked to insurance? It could be a fraud  Mint

Quantum Of Loan Offered Against Endowment Plans

The loan that is offered against such an endowment plan is a percentage of the surrender value and not the sum assured. Depending on the insurance company, the amount of loan can range between 70% to 90% of the surrender value of your policy.

Further, there are two types of surrender values. One is the minimum guaranteed surrender value and it is stipulated by the law, whereas the other is a special surrender value which indicates the value of your investment. During the initial years of your policy, there is a difference between the two; however, as the policy ages, the special surrender value is higher than the minimum guaranteed surrender value. The insurance companies offer a loan on the higher surrender value of the two.

Repayment And Interest Rate Of Loan Against Endowment Plans

The rate of interest charged on such loans is around the rate of Government securities issued and depends on the market dynamics. It is important for you to at least pay the interest on such a loan. The principle on this loan against life insurance can be either paid during its tenure, or have it adjusted from the maturity corpus, or the death benefit payable to the nominees. Even if defaults are made on interest payments, the policy remains active till the time the surrender value of your endowment plan is higher than the principle plus its accumulated interest. Only after it crosses a certain threshold, the policy is foreclosed, and the insurance company recovers its dues.

This loan facility against your endowment plan makes sense if your creditworthiness is low or if interest rates on personal loans are available at a much higher rate.

When comparing different insurance policies, a life insurance calculator can come in handy. Using this nifty tool, you can compare the endowment plans based not just its price, but also the features it offers. Hence, a life insurance calculator must be used before you have finalised on any insurance plan you buy.

The Best Ways to Borrow Money and Where To Get Forbrukslån

The Best Ways to Borrow Money and Where To Get Forbrukslån

Whether you need a loan to pay for your home renovations, get an emergency money advance so that you don’t have to worry about missing rent or utilities or pay for a wedding or vacation, it can be hard to find a lender who can approve your application in no time.

If you’re planning to borrow money in the near future, you might want to look for options where you won’t get buried in debt down the road. This means looking for financiers that offer low-interest rates and lighter terms. They might have lower monthly payments, or the interest rates are pretty reasonable, especially if this is your first time borrowing with them.

Know that it’s always better if you have emergency funds to cover unfavorable events. However, others don’t have the money to cover sudden hospital expenses or accidents and this is where lån uten sikkerhet comes in. This is why they resort to borrowing from various lenders.

If this is happening to you, know that you’re not alone. You can eventually get back on your feet if you manage your finances well. In the meantime, you might want to check out several lending options or forbrukslån for more information on the rates and maximum amount you can borrow.

Debt and Loan Programs


When it comes to borrowing money, various options are available. Whether you need short-term help to cover a bill or want to take out a long-term loan to invest in a new business, there are plenty of options available. Here are the best ways to borrow money and where to get loans:

1. Get a payday loan

A payday loan is a short-term debt that you can borrow from a private lender. Typically, these loans are for between $100 and $1000, and you can get them within minutes. Just be sure to pay back the money as soon as possible, so you don’t get into too much debt. See more about payday loans on this page.

2. Personal Loans are an Option

A personal loan is a longer-term debt you can take from a bank or other lending institution. These funds can be used for many different purposes, including covering bills, buying a car, investing in a new business venture, or just about anything else that you might need money for. Just be sure to carefully consider all the details of your loan before committing to it, so you don’t end up paying more in the long run.

3. Credit Unions

The best way to borrow money is through a loan program offered by a bank or credit union. The government regulates these programs, so you can be sure they are legitimate and have reasonable interests. However, these programs have several disadvantages. First, they are expensive, and second, they can take up too much time before you get approved.

The next best way to borrow money is through a private loan. The government does not regulate these, and it all comes to a form of agreement. These are still reported to the credit bureaus, but they don’t have the same impact as a default on a mortgage. However, know it’s still a good idea to pay for everything on time.

4. Credit Cards


Consider using a credit card if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to borrow money. These plastic cards are available in a variety of forms, and some of them can be used in the store and online. Another thing is that they have competitive rates and rewards programs that one can enjoy with the airlines. You should also consider borrowing money through your bank or other financial institution, which may offer lower interest rates and more flexible terms than some credit cards.

As mentioned, there are a few different ways you can borrow money. Unsecured debts are the most common type, and they allow you to borrow money from a lender without putting up any collateral. Here are the five best places to get these unsecured types of debts.

  1. Credit unions – Credit unions offer unsecured loans to their members, and you can usually get extra funds in just a few minutes. However, you need to be a member to get loans from them, but it’s worth it because they offer great rates and easy access, especially if you’ve been with them for a very long time.
  2. Friends and families – You can always count on your friends and families to borrow money when the tough time comes. However, certain strings are attached, and you might want to repay them for everything, especially when they need the money. Otherwise, it can just lead to ruined relationships and loss of trust. See other reasons why it’s not best to borrow from families in this link:
  3. Online lenders – Several online lending financiers and applications offer these types of debts. You’ll usually need to provide your personal information and credit score, but many lenders offer low-interest rates and fast processing times. Make sure to compare rates before applying and know what you’re getting into before signing into anything.
  4. Local banks – Local banks often have a variety of products available to their customers. You’ll need to go in person to apply with them or choose some that have online apps. However, the process is usually slow as they might want to do a credit check on you before the approval. Generally, if you have a good cash flow on your statement of account, you’ll be able to get reasonable rates with them, but they are stricter with the requirements.

About the Secured Loans


A secured loan is a great option if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to borrow money. These types use security as collateral, such as a mortgage or a car. This makes the application easier and faster to get approved, and it’s also likely to be cheaper than other types. Most banks or lenders have guarantees in case of a default, so they are not generally too worried about this happening.

There are several places where you can get the secured types. Some offer them exclusively through their own websites, while others may be available through banks or credit unions. You’ll need to check with different companies to see which option is best for you.

Once you’ve chosen a good and reputable company, the process of getting a secured loan is pretty straightforward. You’ll need to provide copies of your identification, your credit report, and any documentation supporting your security claim. You may also be required to take a written credit assessment. Once you have all of this information, the financier will likely process your application quickly and give you an estimate of how much money you can borrow from them.

Benefits to Know About

Many people find that getting temporarily into debt can help them get back on their feet faster. This is especially true if they have learned from their mistakes and can manage their finances better. At this point, getting the extra funds will mean that they can refinance and consolidate their other debts and have the cash to finance their daily living expenses. This is why it’s always important to get the best lenders that offer you great deals so you can repay back everything immediately.

Whether you’re looking to borrow money for a specific purpose or want to explore all your borrowing options, you just need to find the right lender for your needs. Explore online and know how to find the best place to get these types of debts.

Merits S331 Pioneer Review

Merits S331 Pioneer Review

Need a three-wheeled bariatric scooter with high weight capacity, a high-back seat and a long driving range? The Merits Health Pioneer S331 scooter is a solid, well-built scooter with unbeatable heavy-duty features.

The Pioneer S331 is one of the entry-level models in our heavy-duty scooter range and is a favorite of many commuters who have mobility problems. It has a weight capacity of 500 pounds, making it one of the most powerful scooters available.

The extra wide 22-inch seat is complemented by an extra high 22-inch backrest. The seat and backrest are adjustable for optimum comfort on long journeys.

The captain’s seat is fully adjustable, and you can easily slide and rotate it to get on and off. The seat is also semi-reclining, giving you even more comfort options. It also can fold forward for easy transport or storage. The sight of the captain’s seat deserves the Merits Health S331.

Not only does this scooter have powerful batteries that can easily support most people, but it also has an incredible 32 miles of riding range per charge. This heavy-duty scooter has one of the longest ranges on the market. The Merits Health Pioneer S331 3-wheel scooter has a top speed of 6mph.

This heavy-duty scooter is ideal for any outdoor trip. All three tires do not flatten, giving you peace of mind wherever you go. Ground clearance of 4 inches is provided by the 10-inch front tire and 12.5-inch rear tires. For folding capability take a look at some of our folding mobility scooters.

If you like the great outdoors and enjoy driving in different terrains, then you will love using the Pioneer S331. It is unstoppable on most surfaces! With an incline of 12 degrees, it allows you to tackle the hills and arrive at your destination in no time.

The Pioneer S331 offers maximum security. The premium brakes allow you to significantly reduce the amount of energy required for stopping, and the electromagnetic regeneration function maintains battery life. In addition, the front and rear bumpers protect the bridge from scratches and other damage.

The lighting kit of the S331 Pioneer is great. The powerful lighthouse offers visibility both day and night. The taillights, sidelights and rudder lights are among other lights. This scooter makes you visible to other drivers on the road and keeps you safe at night.

Do you need a place to store your belongings? The spacious front basket with a convenient carrying handle is the perfect size for all your daily essentials. This is the ideal robust and powerful 3-wheel mobility scooter if you want a product from a trusted brand in the mobility industry.

Why should you consider buying the Merits Health Pioneer S331?

This 3-wheel scooter has a weight capacity of 500 pounds. It has a one-piece frame to increase strength. The battery lasts up to 32 miles on a single charge. With a top speed of 6mph, the Merits Health Pioneer S331 is truly a favorite of our community as a 3-wheeled scooter.

At Electric Wheelchairs USA, we truly love helping our customers make the best choice for their needs whether it is a power chair, mobility scooter, or lift chair.